Preliminary Task

A Scenario 

Two people are lost in a deserted dessert island. They are having a serious debate/argument the dialogue I would use to make the audience understand there emotions would be a serious argument, the audience will know what the answer to there debate so they will feel sorry for the one that is right. One of the people in the argument are right so they will be getting really wound up and emotional because they know they are right do the audience feel for them.

The camera shots I would use is a over the shoulder shot for when the two people start there debate, once you see the characters getting fired up and starting to argue I would change the camera shot too a mid shot, half way through the argument I would change it to a quick long shot so you could see there environmental issues and see why they are getting so emotional. I would then go straight back to mid shot for the rest of the argument, then a close up to show the emotions on their faces, after this one person would walk off so I would then do a point of view shot so the audience will see that the person is walking off and leaving the other one alone

The angles I would use a high angle on the person who walked off because they are in the wrong so the audience will look down at them, also a low angle for the person standing there because they are in the right and more dominant

The camera movements I would use would be a dolly shot for the argument because you can make the shot go I. Any direction and a track shot for when the person walks off so the camera follows them.

They would both look scruffy, feel lonely and both be emotional because they are stranded on a island, all that would be around them is sand and cactuses and the sunshine. They would look very tired and fed up, they would be thirsty/hungry and drowsy. They'll be at the middle of the dessert just a few yards away, the lightning will be bright because of the sunlight

I would use the 180 degrees line after this has been established I'd use the shot reverse shot and an eye line match.

Final idea's 

For my preliminary task Jessica Lem, Poppy Scott-Pearson, Kristine Gulden and myself are working together.


Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines dialogue. This task should demonstrate ,match on action, shot/reverse shot ans the 180-degree rule.

 Poppy's idea is that it is set in a classroom and a teacher has just caught a child cheating on there homework.
I would use an establishing shot to show where it is set and then pan round the classroom. I would focus on the close up shots to show the anger in the teachers face. I would use a high angle to show how the teacher is in power over the child. I would have music building up at the beginning then it slowly fading out when the teacher's eye lays on the student teaching. I would use shot reverse shot to go between the two characters in there disagreement. I would make sure i keep to the 180 degree rule, and the match shot action. I would use continuity editing so it has a smooth clear cut finish.

Jess said "i think this sounds like an exciting exchange of words however i would like a small script to allow me to fully visualise what happens in the scene. I like the way you have included specific details about shot types but what like to know exactly where you are going to use the match on action."
Jess's idea is that two people are sitting in a room and the camera angle is straight on. There will be an establishing shot to show where the scene will take place followed up by a close up on one characters face. We can see from the distress on one of the characters faces that there is something wrong. The story line continues with a medium shot and and a shot over the shoulder to show the two characters in a disagreement.

Jess hasn't considered lighting and props or sound. the dialogue hasn't been thought through properly or the framing. However the he initial idea of an argument can be done allot better with more angles and movements.        

Second team meeting

1- what will the narrative be?
The narrative will be about a teacher catching a child cheating on their homework and then exchanging a few words of disagreement.

2-How will you meet the brief?
I will make sure the student opens the door and uses dialogue when he tries to justify him self to the teacher

3-where will you film?
It will be in a classroom/office

4-How long will it take place?
It will around 2 minuets long.

5-Who will act/film?
Myself and Jessica will be doing the acting whilst Poppy and Kristine will take it in turns to film.

6-How will we do match on action, 180- degree rule, shot reverse shot?
 match on action- We can use this by someone walking towards a chair then cutting to them sitting down
180- degree rule- When two people are sitting at a desk the camera has to stay on the right side of the dest as the minute it crosses the desk the characters positions change
shot reverse shot- We will use this when the teacher and student are arguing.

Story Board

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